Family Resources

As a family member, you were likely ecstatic when your loved one arrived safely in treatment. You may have breathed a sigh of relief, and slept for the first time in months or even years. Then, gradually you begin to realize that treatment is a short stay. Way too short. And again comes the gnawing anxiety of: “What next?”

What to Expect


From takeoff to touchdown, we communicate honestly and directly with you about the progress that your son is making while staying at LIRC.

We meet the needs of each resident and their family on an individual basis.

It is important to note, we deal with adults.  Each resident is expected to work his program with our guidance.

Remember: Sobriety is key, the rest will follow – and some changes may happen well after moving on from LIRC.

Treatment was triage.  It is stabilization.  Sobriety is about taking things one day at a time.  Recovery at LIRC means relearning what it was like before the madness of a substance use disorder.  It takes time and training to get results.

This is the cornerstone of making a beautiful, sober life.

Let us know what questions you have

We have helped thousands of families navigate the steps after treatment. That’s why we are here.

We are tasked with walking a delicate line between you and the resident. On one hand, you need to keep your distance, allow for change to happen, and work on your own recovery. On the other, you need to feel you are doing something to help. Which some of the time means doing nothing. At least in the sense you are accustomed to.

Success comes from beginning your own recovery journey.

You have been through a lot.  It is now time to breathe easier, even though that may seem counter-intuitive.

You will be guided as needed by us, but you need to get active in a recovery community in your locale. Alanon Family Groups and Families Anonymous are great places to start. The expectation that your son is the only person who needs to attend meetings and do things differently needs to be smashed. And this is our expectation: that you will support us and your son by attending meetings, working the steps, and learning to truly let go.